Budgets, visa, immigration, press, posters,web sites, video material, fund raising, touring, stage productions. Its what I do!
Start with nothing
But end with something. Sustainable development in Zimbabwe is a long term project requiring committed artist and great team work from a skilled community. Build your house upon a rock and it will last
Whichever community we work in we need to put people on seats. Sell tickets and much of our community basic work has been critical to engaging with thousands of people. Yes there are always grand festivals and big stages but its ground work that matters
Stage shows and music
Though we have travelled the world it is critical there is a home base and just before covide we toured to the National Arts Festval in Grahamstown(Makhanda) two years in a row. In 2024 will be the next trip with the Other Cecil our new environmental production
Matopos Music
Sheffield, Zimbabwe,
Our Hours
Monday – Friday: 9.30am to 6.00p.m.
Saturday: try us!